Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 10, 2013

TC-P60VT60 60-Inch 1080p 600Hz 3D Smart Plasma Deal

The Multimedia Kid (Cincinnati, OH): Beginning with some words to the wise: 1) Be sure to get a warranty. 2) Check out any issues that occur on your own rather than depend upon someone in a state of panic who thinks the has thrown a bundle of money away on a faulty set. 3) On the other hand, be wary of the numerous people who because they buy a set they think they have to recommend it.

Michael 3:15: Looking into to other brands, I checked out the higher end Samsungs, only to discover that they too frequently have a comparable issue, arousing some consumer groups looking to sue. Then I read about the Panasonic plasmas being highly recommended,though they like the Sony's and Samsung's are expected to be replaced eventually by OLED's. (Some reviewers claim that it will be some time before OLED and 4K will have the high res media to show.) There are also occasional reports of image burn-ins, seemingly, usually, by people who use the set for games.

C. Albanese "Chris A.": I ran the D-Nice slides for about 70 hours but wondered if the job might not be done better if more colors were involved and if there were more movement of images, so I switched over to a free video called the Plasma HDTV Burn-in Clip, available for download from youtube: . Some comments now associated with the clip will tell you how to download it from youtube. Look for such help if you're not familiar with the subject (I used a special video capturing for the Mac, but I now see I could have grabbed the file more easily; you can also download an archive of the file, but it is in a less than common format and therefore somewhat problematic).

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