Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 10, 2013

Panasonic TC-P50S60 50-Inch 1080p 600Hz Deal

Chris : Plasma technology has come a long way, you'll find that not only do you get the high refresh rate, deep blacks and crisp picture but you also get a longer lifetime now (~30 years of 8 hours a day viewing before the TV will begin to fade), much lower power consumption (CNET rates this model around $44 a year, Panasonic states $28, so figure it somewhere between $35-40 without using Eco-mode settings) and better picture control than in the past (multiple ratios, you can choose to cool/warm the picture in minute quantities and set different profiles for each input).

 Ace of Ben : Since picture quality is highly subjective, I will leave you to the professionals for their specific opinions and testing results (CNet has an informative review up). As for my personal opinion, the picture is stunning with Blu-ray and HD streaming content (Netflix, Amazon, and Vudu via the PS3). Gaming, specifically related to input lag and fluid motion, is an absolute joy to behld. The ST60 series was on my short list, but after the definitive input lag tests on those sets, I passed them up in favor of what I found to be a better deal in this S60 series.

Hayden Lindwall: After remodeling our basement and media room , we needed to find a nice TV. So the search began... We found that most of the LED options on the market were unacceptable. Horrible clouding and flashlighting, very poor black levels, etc... Plus, to get an LED TV that can compare to the picture quality of this S60, we would have needed to spend $3000+. At first we were hesitant to go plasma because of "burn-in", thickness, and some other issues on older models. I can assure you those issues no longer exist (at least in the Viera line).

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